Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Ray sputtered and shook his head as the thumping grew louder and its source came closer. He looked around and through a very small and blurry tunnel he realized he was quite small compared to his surroundings. That he could see anything was quite amazing as he could barely see his own feet, and what feet they were.

Small and slender feet that he was disgusted by but that strangely felt natural. Ray attempted to gain a better understanding of his environment wrenching his head left and right but couldn’t make out where exactly he was. It was like an ancient temple or medieval cathedral with very high, broad walls but the floor was a different texture and had the feeling of wood.

"How did I get here? What’s going on?!?!?" Ray wondered to himself.

Then the thud came back. His whole body vibrated to this beat from the ground that he was standing on. This is when he realized he was no longer himself because his body was anything but human. The Legs should have given it away but he needed to move around to get a feel for himself.

He noticed that he was now divided into three parts with multiple legs that all seemed strong and sturdy. This he only observed from his own feeling but not through the sense of sight that he had become so accustomed to in his human life. As he grew restless about his loss of vision the quakes advanced closer to him and that’s when he realized that he had been given a gift. He could smell perfectly.

This new finding would have to wait as he could now more clearly see the outline of the source of the racket. It appeared on the horizon and he could tell that it was an older woman in a large grey coat; she was of epic proportions. Ray stood in awe of this creature and couldn’t help but feel like a Lilliputian in the presence of Gulliver until he realized that this being could easily crush him without a thought. He awkwardly rushed toward the edge of the wall, tripping on unfamiliar legs.

Just as he got to the side of what he realized was a hall the giant passed. Content that it was safe Ray walked toward the middle of the hall but was soon assaulted by the sound of a falling object. It impacted just a few inches from him, close enough to knock the wind out of his tiny lungs.

After he calmed himself Ray galloped over to the projectile and took a whiff as his sight was useless at this close a range. He recognized the odor from his past as a type of bread but before further investigation was allowed his instincts had taken over and he was devouring the boulder of grain. He ate as much as his diminutive figure could allow and then his humanity seized control of his small brain and he tasted how disgusting his meal had been. He couldn’t hold it in and his pincer like jaws opened and expelled its contents. He shook his head.
His body was tense and his head slammed against the floor as he woke up in a pool of his own vomit.

"Ughhh..." his eyes rolled and he struggled to stand up and wipe his head, "....what was in that soup?".

He stretched and absorbed the room. "Nothing like before, everything looks right."

He looked at the table; saw the overturned bowl on the floor, the spoon a few feet away, and the chair on its side.

Then he noticed the clock; the short hand was on the six and the long one on the twelve, it was dark outside.

The phone rang and began to rattle on the wall.

Ray bent over, then straightened his back again, causing beads of sweat to fly off his forehead.

He looked at the clock again and then put his hands on his knees and threw up.

He felt woozy and had a piercing headache. Ray needed help and wandered out of the apartment banging in to every available obstacle. As he entered the hall he saw a trail of ants surrounding some bread crumbs on the floor. He stepped on them.

1 comment:

alex said...

The Elevator

The elevator door shut slowly behind Mirela. She waited in the car for a stranger on some other floor to press the up or down button.

Scanning the small square of space, she observed the stains on the burgundy, patterned carpet, the bronze railings tarnished in the places where they were used the most, the scratches on the mirror, and in the mirror-herself.
She stroked the small scar hidden by her eyebrow, the ridge of her nose, her lips, and her jaw-line. Then she imagined the countless wounds and flaws that were invisible to the eye, yet existed inside of her. In this moment, she realized why she had chosen this town as her home. She had something in common with this unpolished town. She was comfortable amongst imperfection.
Closing her eyes, Mirela filled her lungs with a large amount of air and then released it. She did this several times before the room subtly began to lower. She opened her eyes and saw that one of the yellowed buttons was lit.

When the doors opened, a some-what scruffy, yet attractive older man stood in front of Mirela with a surprised expression on his face. After several seconds of very direct eye contact, the man became conscious of his expression and immediately blundered into the elevator. Reaching for the yellow buttons, their fingers collided, both pressing the one for the atrium.
The unexpected touch startled the both of them. The two looked up at each other slightly smiling, as their eyes locked. Mirela read his face; deep into his greenish-brown eyes, she found a hint of comfort. It was strange. That morning she had been so lost, so alone. By simply looking into the warm eyes of a stranger, her heart flickered with hope.
The intense silence was broken by the familiar “DING” of the elevator.

The doors opened and two men stood waiting to enter the elevator. Mirela recognized one of them as living on her hall and frequently rushing to work, and the other as an angry bookstore customer.

With one last curious stare, the two strangers departed, exiting the elevator.